Islamic Curriculum

What separates IQRA’s Islamic curriculum from others is that we strive to ensure that each grade’s Islamic syllabus is cognitively appropriate. We believe that an effective Islamic education considers a student’s age and life-experience as important factors in overall Islamic education strategy.

Our Partners:

Islamic Curriculum Solutions

Since 1983, IQRA’ has been the premier name in Islamic curriculum and education. We’ve developed Islamic curriculum solutions for both Islamic weekend schools and full-time schools. Our Islamic studies syllabus consists of Arabic language, Qur’an, Sirah, ‘Aqidah, Fiqh, Akhlaq and Islamic History. Each grade comes with Islamic studies textbooks, workbooks and teacher manuals. Explore our Islamic curriculum to learn more.

Weekend School

Islamic Education Services

A child’s Islamic education is only as effective as their Islamic studies teacher. That’s why IQRA’ has developed Islamic education services that supports Islamic teachers, administrators and students. We offer training for both Islamic studies teachers and administrators to become more effective educators and leaders, and Islamic book fairs to bolster Islamic school culture and provide valued resources to Islamic school students.

Teacher Training

Administrative Training

Islamic Book Fair


Free 1:1 Consultation on Zoom

Don’t be shy! Schedule a Zoom meeting with us to have your questions answered about any of our IQRA’ Curriculum, Islamic Education Services and to meet the IQRA’ staff.

What’s New

Sign up for IQRA’s monthly newsletter to stay up to date on new IQRA’ publications and services, Islamic conferences and conventions that we’ll attend so you can find us, new blog articles from the Nasiha Corner, and monthly sales on Islamic school curricula and general Islamic books, gifts and resources!

A new Nasiha Corner article

Ban TikTok? Ban Smartphones for Kids Until They Start High School!”

Visit us at the 26th ISNA Education Forum

Visit IQRA at ISNA’s 26th Education Forum April 18-20, 2025 at Marriott Chicago O’Hare 8535 W Higgins Rd. Chicago, IL 60631

The Nasiha Corner Blog

Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews for IQRA Teacher training

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“My experience with the teacher training inspired me to be a role model through the ways of the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon on him, he was the best teacher of his companions through teaching the Quran and Hadith, and we should take his ways and implement them in our journey of teaching.
Sr. Fouzia, Al-Ihsan Academy
Al – ihsan, Academy
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“This training encouraged us and we immediately decided to have a meeting with our teachers again, to see how we could update some things with what we heard from you.

Sr. Sadiye,
Mimar sinan mosque weekend school
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“The recent IQRA’ Teacher Training program was timely and important for people who are trying to or are in the process of establishing and improving Islamic education in their locality as an alternative, faith-based education … The information shared will definitely help me in my future goal of designing curriculum and lesson plans that are based on holistic, student-centered, and justice-oriented education, insha Allah.”
Dr. Rohany, Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction,
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“A lot of ideas were new to me that I found very useful with practical tips on classroom management. (I am not a professional teacher but love sharing knowledge with my students). Toward the end, both speakers mentioned that we are planting seeds and should not worry about immediate results. So our intention in teaching Allah’s deen is what matters. It was an appropriate reminder. Thank you for the session last Sunday”
Sr. Tahmyna
Al-huda academy sunday school